5G Towers and Your Health

5G Towers and Your Health

While the IARC categorizes exposure to RF-EMF as being in the 2B group (possibly carcinogenic for humans), there are no standardized safety level that is universally accepted. Additionally  Proteck'd Apparel  is vital to keep in mind that the safety standards vary greatly around the world. Additionally, there is an issue with conflict of interests. As more cities implement 5G technology the increasing numbers of users are being exposed the frequency than ever before.

IARC classification of exposure to RF-EMF in the Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans)
The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) has classified RF-EMF exposure as Group 2b (possibly carcinogenic to humans). This classification implies that further research is needed. However, the IARC used a relatively little amount of data - just a few studies of case-control epidemiology to arrive at their conclusion.

While some studies have suggested that RF-EMFs may cause cancer, other studies have not found any evidence to support the possibility of causing disease in humans. The International EMF Project, which was launched in 1996 did not publish its findings, so this classification isn't definitive.

IARC safety limits vary considerably across the globe
There are many different opinions about whether working, living, or going to school close to cell phone towers increases the risk of developing cancer. Nevertheless, more research is needed to determine whether RF signals from cell phone towers are detrimental to your health. Additionally there is the fact that both the World Health Organization (WHO) and IARC have yet to formal define the effects of towers for cell phones on human health.

Wireless technology is currently creating radiofrequency exposures, which can cause harm to animals, humans, and even the natural environment. Researchers have advised that 5G not be released before adequate research is completed regarding its impact on the health of humans.

Conflict of interest
The conflict of interest that surrounds 5G towers has raised alarming concerns about the effects on the effects of EMF radiation on human health. The stakes of this debate are enormous and include the government and industry. The world's most renowned scientists have documented the alarming consequences of EMF radiation on humans and animals. In the face of mounting evidence from science, the current regulations for non-ionizing radiation is unsuitable to protect the health of humans.

The impact on cognitive function
The increased frequency of mobile phone towers, like those that are being built for 5G by mobile networks operators will increase human exposure to the RF (radio frequency) waves. Scientists have speculated that these radio frequency waves may affect the brain. However, this has not been confirmed.

Although there has been some debate over the security of 5G, the fact is that it hasn't yet been fully tested to determine whether it will cause health problems. While the technology is new however, there isn't enough time to fully test the long-term effects. There is also a lack of studies that have been conducted by scientists regarding the possible effects of highly concentrated 5G areas in populated areas.